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The mission of “Reaching the World” outreach program is to share the good news. It is our desire to let people know that Jesus Christ is the light in this dark world. We want them to know that there is hope, and that we are here to help them. Luke 14:23 NKVJ …‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Our outreach programs include:

Bread Ministry - We give out FREE bread every Wednesday from 9:30AM -12:00PM.

Meals on Wheels - We work hand in hand with Brandon Meals on Wheels to make sure our community gets at least on hot meal a day.
Home Bible Study Program – We teach several types of Bible Studies in the privacy of your home at any local cafe’ or public place; whatever your preference is.
Follow-up Visitation – The telephone is used to follow-up on all recent guests and new disciples. This group of dedicated church members and ministers call recent guests and new disciples to thank them for worshiping with us, as well as take any prayer requests and offer spiritual support. We utilize this opportunity to better inform individuals about our church and the ministries that are offered.
For more information on our Outreach Ministry, please call (813) 326-3181 or email at

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